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Follow your dreams.

Daydream, and fantasise and float in your imagination. Go crazy, think of the most outrageous things. Dream BIG. Dive deep! Aspire wider! Look further than you know, go outside your own skin and into the world. You can be more than you are even aware of. And all of these dreams..Follow them.

Follow them with your intuition. That deep knowing in the depths of your belly and in your heart.
That feeling of goodness. That you are worthy of more. Follow it. Those feelings are fleeting. They don’t come around that often. So listen to them when they do. When that inspiration arises, stop everything and follow it!

Manifest glorious fantasies.

Feel that connection to the people who inspire you. Follow their paths. Its okay not to be original. just be honest. express yourself. Don’t worry about being cool.

Put yourself in places that you feel loved and you feel supported and that your voice will be heard.

You know those people you see on stage or on tv. That you love, who inspire you. The people who make the real shit. They literally sat in their bedrooms at one point thinking they couldn’t do it. It’s okay to forgive yourself for not being on top of things all the time.

But know, that YOU ARE SPECIAL. You are an infinite being. You move beyond this dimension.

There were so many times when I thought that i was not worthy of expressing myself.

But here i am giving you a speech. and I'm just trying it. Its part of a bigger journey.

Find your voice.
Your real voice.

The one that comes from deep within yourself. the one that lifts your energy up through your spine and out into the world.

Be aware of the goodness which you bestow on others.

You are goddess and god combined.

You are intrinsically complicated.

Your auras have taken over this room, and will remain here after a long time.

Something about you all makes me feel warm.

You can belong here.

You are welcome to try new things.

You are capable and rich and potent.

Every morning, look into the mirror and say to yourself.

I amlimitless.

Spread your joy, for no reason. Spread your indecision. Spread your mistakes. Spread your curiosity. Spread your legs. Make love. Make more love. Find people that fill you with challenging thoughts and are brave and honest. Learn from them.

Open your body. Let the motion fill your joints and let your muscles find their full ranges of motion. Let the sweat pour out of the holes in your skin. Get dirty. Push your heart rate up so that you can connect to different pressures and philosophies. Spend more time in nature. Walk barefoot sometimes.

Perhaps tomorrow your will find true love. In someone, or in something you didn’t know you loved.

You can live everyday like you’re falling in love.

Maybe tomorrow something will unblock from within you and the true expression you have been waiting for will be there, ready to unleash.

Maybe you aren’t satisfied anymore by taming the beast that is inside you. Maybe it is time to let it out!

You are a gift. and are only at the beginning of your journey.
You are a gift. and are only at the beginning of your journey.
You are a gift. and are only at the beginning of your journey.

There is greatness brewing inside you and you can be brave enough to share it.
There is greatness brewing inside you and you can be brave enough to share it.
There is greatness brewing inside you and you can be brave enough to share it.

You amaze me and inspire me everyday.

You can do anything, and be anyone you want to be.